Bhaktapur Team Opinion was as follows: Unity gives power for struggling and develops trust and reach to the right destination.
After the presentation of different groups, we had dinner at 20:00hr. We had the camp fire at 21:30pm followed by singing and dancing. The camp happened to be a new experience when Siddhartha solo took place at 24:00hr. There was complete silence with no one besides the team, stars, forests and moon in the night. After returning from there, everyone shared their feelings but I just kept quiet because it was my first time and I could not concentrate. The fact is, while I concentrated for few moments, I asked myself why I was born and what my role in this earth is. I had no qualification and never been involved with my family in good times. So, why I am here and what is my role in this nature. But when I opened my eyes, I saw something and learned from it that was the unity of the stars that always twinkles at night together. The trees over there which I thought was when they don’t get water they all die and if they get plenty of water from Sundarijal, they will grow bigger and bigger. It was all about the ecosystem, unity and communication between natures. So, people also should be one unity.
When we finished the discussion we started to sing old songs which could make our mind fresh. At 1:00 AM, most went for a sleep but we, four members slept with a blanket of whole sky beneath the millions star.
Next morning we woke up at 6:00 A.M. and did some refreshment exercise. At 7:00 AM Modern Meditation and Yoga was held for a hour. After breakfast, we played different games like Hit the Target, Achieve Your Goal, Don't Lose Your Team Member, Spider Web. We engaged about an hour in Rope courses including Tarzan Swing and Commando Bridge. Almost all games were played enthusiastically till 12:15 PM. After having lunch we got back to the Camp side where the Learning Coach--Raman Nepali, distributed certificates to the participants from NCTTM College and individuals who participated in ‘AANT FOR LIFE’.
Some resolutions from students are as follows:
Opinion about Self learning:
i) Be good.
ii) If you have idea, flow it to other team mates or follows other.
iii) Be happy with yourself and make others.
iv) Firstly appreciate to motivate others.
v) Try to understand and make others understand.
Attributes of ‘AANT FOR LIFE’
i> A new concept
ii> Self Confidence
iii> Self Motivation
iv> Leading people with different knowledge and ideas
v> Group Morality and Confidence
vi> Leads towards the Achievement of life and definite Success.
vii> Encourage to make a clear vision.
This was my first camping in my life that I got different knowledge and ideas to gain from it and had lots of fun. Thanks NODAN CLUB.
Rikesh Maskey
New volunteer member of Nodan Club !!
Good Job Nodanees I'm Proud of you. Thank you Jituji for placing it so nicely. Well done brother Rikesh for word.
We are motivated by your trust and pro-active ATTITUDE.
Cheers for life : )
I enjoyed reading and felt as if I am also there...God Bless You!
म एडम्स KEVIN, Aiico बीमा plc को एक प्रतिनिधि, हामी भरोसा र एक ऋण बाहिर दिन मा व्यक्तिगत मतभेद आदर। हामी ऋण चासो दर को 2% प्रदान गर्नेछ। तपाईं यस व्यवसाय मा चासो हो भने अब आफ्नो ऋण कागजातहरू ठीक जारी हस्तांतरण ई-मेल ( गरेर हामीलाई सम्पर्क। पनि इमेल गरेर हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ तपाईं aiico बीमा गर्न धेरै स्वागत छ भने व्यापार वा स्कूल स्थापित गर्न एक ऋण आवश्यकता हो ( हामी सन्तुलन स्थानान्तरण अनुरोध गर्न सक्छौं पहिलो हप्ता।
व्यक्तिगत व्यवसायका लागि ऋण चाहिन्छ? तपाईं आफ्नो इमेल संपर्क भने उपरोक्त तुरुन्तै आफ्नो ऋण स्थानान्तरण प्रक्रिया गर्न
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