Needless to tell I too have great inclination towards adventure and my avid hobby is to swim, keep myself physically fit and to experience thrill. Doing so I foster my endurance to live life to the fullest and be more proving person as a woman. I use to fear of height but I have overcome it proving myself how wrong I use to think.
My academic background is related to development and it doesn’t' permit me get enjoy adventure in a full swing. And you know my will within my heart fuel me get into it once in a while. I must say, where there is a will there is a way. So, there is ample opportunity for women to be more adventurous. I think we must help today's Youth to understand 'adventure' not just as activities for tourist or foreigner who visit Nepal.
I am happy that recent Learning Program at Royal Beach Camp, Dhading near Krishna Bhir, became truly a learning program for more than 150 youths, who tasted the slice of adventure and get motivated not just to achieve success in their academic arena but also to greater goal of LIFE. There is so much to learn from Nature and Royal Beach Camp is simply the best learning center for many. The outdoor training sessions on the Trishuli Beach and under the blanket of million stars in the beach at night simply do magic. And it is such magic what compelled me to cross roaring mighty Trishuli river by swimming. And joyride on rafting getting splashes of chilled river water over the face poking one's thrill and enthusiasm is simply my word can explain. Jumping into angry Trishuli is something one will never forget. Getting topsy-turvy while learning Kayaking is another thrills. For a while it makes you panic like hell and I thought that's my last day on Earth but thank Gosh! There were water guide and safety experts to flip me up with a widest smile on their faces. ;)

Rock climbing could be another outdoor activity women can do as a test of their endurance. I know at first few attempts your muscle cramp and pain scare you. But hang on and keep pushing your limits. After sometime you will simply fall in love with Rock Climbing. Well so far I have done it there in Nagarjuna Hill at the base of Rani ban Balaju and it is simply the beginning. Many rocks are yet to be climbed in life ahead.
Well there are many 'adventure' in every aspect of life for every walk of life. Adventure not necessarily means doing activities out there in the wild or nature, but in any journey we take in life to get our goal. So it is essential to be 'ADVENTUROUS' and enjoy it with excitement and courage rather than escaping from it. Let's take 'ADVENTURE' as a vital part of our life.
All the best!

ya sumeruh, I absolutely agree with you.. LIfe should be taken as an adventure and one should be adventurous to enjoy the life to the fullest.. I am also a kind of girl who likes to do adventure but I have not taken opportunities to go for adventure.. Recently, I went for rafting and it was really awesome... You were also there and u know how much we enjoyed...
Anyways gurl,, rock on and keep exploring and keep on living ur dreams.. All the best!!!
some things can not be spoken or felt until we have been experienced with it. And that definitely comes up with adventure in life, something fear... some of excitement, hmm.. that makes u happy at the end when u complete the journey of adventure and find in yourself the BRAVE HEART <*_*>
Nice article adventure is part of life !!!
Thumbs Up Sumeru!!
Amazing experiences you have endorsed. It's really motivating for the youths like us. By profession or personal interest; you have chosen the perfect way of life to boost yourself. Today's youth must come forward with the right vision & mission to change self N the system existing in the society. Such adventure activities definitely add values and support to get our common missions. Being with such wonderful activities from time to time, I believe that we can change what we are expecting today by working together. We are in the right track for the right purpose. Keep going dear Sumeru…….
Best wishes from my side!!
Pretty sumeruh and yet adventurous,the blog seems good source of inspiration and motivation for Youth like us.We will wait to see ur blog in the days to come.
Thank you and warms regards!!
Great article.. it remembered me of past days at Trisuli!.
Truely, adventure is the part of life and we can learn many things, sitting in the lap of nature. We just need to be open and feel the adventurous experience.. that gives a mix of excitment, thrill and of course, the sense of victory and fun!!
Get Going Dear!!
"Many believe a word 'Adventure' as doing some risky activities out in the wild. And in general outlook of our society, women are taken unfit for such outdoor activities. :( And when women do it, it became so outstanding and noticeable." -------a whole article....the first impression is last impression! I m so much impressive from this....!!!!!!! go ahead sumi!!!!!!
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व्यक्तिगत व्यवसायका लागि ऋण चाहिन्छ? तपाईं आफ्नो इमेल संपर्क भने उपरोक्त तुरुन्तै आफ्नो ऋण स्थानान्तरण प्रक्रिया गर्न
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