Opportunity never comes singing a song nor ringing a bell. We can generate or grip the opportunity implementing our own ideas and vision. I take hold of the chance to study the Sustainable Tourism Marketing Linkages in the year 2006 for six month and 45 days excursion to Europe especially in Netherlands that was a great learning for me to understand the outer universe and the people. I have a juncture from Int'l Great Facilitator Miriam Frijns about learn how to learn and thinking out of the box. Where I was paying attention on how to be a brilliant facilitator. When I rear Nepal, in my individual action plan I thought to earn name and fame contributing tourism that Nepal is carrying a high prospect. As an action I started free tour to different world heritage sites for youth, student and children and got a very positive feed back that is encouraging me to in front.
I started mission education and life skill scheme in the Gatlang Village of Rasuwa a remote district of Nepal which focused on education for student and life skill for youth. Beside these activities I organize many leadership camp, team building exercise, motivation and attitude clinic to different places of Nepal by the means of different innovative games and initiatives which also includes Leadership, Communication, Motivation, Team building, Trust, Attitude, Creative thinking, Problem solving, Art of living, Time management etc firstly in Nepal where different renowned corporate industries are giving a very positive response.
More than 52 training program were organized yearly. Nodan club www.nodan.org.np is being forward as one of the instance organization nationally as well as internationally. These creative, motivate and innovative ideas with active participation are being proved as stepping stone for the progress of the other institutions like Association of youth organization Nepal (AYON) www.ayon.org and other different corporate and social associations.
It is being authenticating that Nepal is not an agricultural country it is a country of tourism. The training starts from modern meditation and ends with Siddhartha solo includes more then 10 different themes. Nodan is the first organization in the world which shows its unique practice using diverse ideas and issues. That is helping us to boost the other artistic, creative as well as resourceful ideas like Youth Green Circle, Nodan Instructors pool, Earth youth center where Youth of Team Nodan are implementing their novel and imaginative trick to enhance themselves further.
I had begun my schooling carrying a slate black patty and stone chalk. I never had think I will achieve this much success in my life. Because of my laborious spirit and keen interest in knowing something differently makes me more curious and active in all activities happening around me. These days I am offered up to 1000$ per program, where a slate black patty turns into a modern Pentium lap top. One village boy who starts his education parallel carrying a bamboo basket to collect fodders for animals today turns to a successful youth leader. A lad who reaches the Katmandu after many days walk starts to fly in a world class airplane which itself prove that impossible is no thing just I’m possible and you are possible. This is my short success story I will come with other success story in the day come.
Love to hear from you and once again thank you for your motivation : )
Dear Raman Dai,
First of all I would like to congratulate you for ur success.
Whatever u r doing for the youth and for this country is just wonderful. The country really needs people like u. so keep it up
Thanks for sharing ur web page with me. Seriously I found a new Raman dai after reading your article.
It also gives insight to sustainable tourism development in Nepal, which is a major issue.
The array of youth activities that u r carrying out is really gr8. i would love to take few trainings from u on the similar issues, if I am lucky that is ��
Congratulations!!!, again for NODAN club, for reaching the heights. I am really glad that it�s carrying out pool of youth initiated activities.
Wish u all the best for ur future endeavor
I whish that u will achieve more and more heights in the years to come.
Cheers Shaili
Hi, Mr Raman!
Your success story is indeed a successful start to motivate youth to generate their internal power to lead the world.
All I wish is you never forget the base you've started. Sometimes, it happens with the successful personality when they under value the things they've come across.
Good Luck, Mr achiever.
Your well wisher!
Well Mr. Raman,
I think self help is wonderful thing but self admiration( which in this case means boasting ) simply illustrates you are trying to prove yourself great or the great achiever. Besides it sounds good if other admires you rather than beating of the own trumpet.
May be you have achieved something good but this boasting attitude and habit of talking nonsense most of the times(Khok Khak )have proven you to be worthless.
The one who tends to teach other first himself needs to learn good habits and personality development.
So you better go for the training to improve your presentation skill and better attitude.
This is the best suggestion anyone can provide you as you need this the most.
Amazing picture brother... flying in the nature with full of energy and enthusiasm. Feelings are superb recalling! Keep going N the most important part is to understand the flow of time, situation and relations of common grounds.. more wishes.. more values.. more challenges to go....best wishes!!
Slate black patty turns into a modern Pentium lap top _Raman!!!
Really Raman Dai! you turns your life and also pushing others to your way!
The title of this blog is very much sweetable to achivers like u and indra dai. Your every word worked as a tonic, it doesn't matter it is verbal or textual!
It's a great and very much motivating story!
Keep it up Dai! We need your key notes of success! not only a part, we need whole! Give continuety to your writing!
In the real terms, you are new "Shiva Khera", new "Swet Marden" for me!!! but it my unfortunate I can't spend my time with u as much as how I want, but raman dai! I never miss u and ur word, it's another thing that it's difficult to me to do practically like yours...but I think you are "Kharayo" and I am doing as "Kachuwa" let's hope dai, we will met soon in one meet point in the summit, yah it's another thing that you can got it faster I'll be later! But the target is same!!! "The Summit"
Let Cheers for your motivating story!!!
ur krishna vai...
Dear Krishna vai
Thank you for feedback. I'm greatful to you ! Together we can make things happen : ) "Learning is adventure that never end" hainara ?
My BIG thankx goes to rest of the friends who suggest me to learn more on personality and leadership-To learn PL we are in Lumbini from today19 to 25Oct : )
One more news- Find your nice picture at world famous http://www.group-games.com
Group Games in Action: Games in Nepal!
Raman Bhattarai of Team Nodan sent us some great photos of group games in action all the way from Kathmandu, Nepal. Thanks Raman! It sure looks like people from all over the world know how to have fun. Check out the action packed photos by clicking on “view instructions” below — and please continue to send us more photos of you and your group playing games (email us at: group-games @ hotmail.com)! Whether it’s New York City, the suburbs of Pittsburgh, London, Singapore, Melbourne, Bombay, or Kathmandu… no matter where you are, thanks for making Group-Games.com the best international community of group games on the web!
Keep going-jaye Jagat!
Dear Raman Dai,
Your positive and straight forwad activities and talking are really respectable. really we are learning many reality in fact i alwayas respect your activeness. i hope you will do much more in the comming days.
congratulation for you susses as you said.i wish best of luck for your upcoming programe.im really confuse about your orgnization.you are only one member in your orgnization?if you have other colleauges and friends then why you forget to wrote about them?you got lot of susses with out them?it does not matters to you?i think your intention is not good for others isn't it?i think you have more idea and praposal about how to use people and there feeling isn't it?dont keep it up this types of spirite one day you will fail.
Anonymous, Thanking you for your energy and time that you spend thinking about my idea and me. Please ask other if you know them why they do not write? ASK
Your suggesting is useless for my growth yaar bring something that can be use and think about. I'm sure why you are the way you are ? heheheh : )
Cheers for life
wow!!!! suggetion of Anonymous ko pura bhae jasto lagena yata risaunu janekai chaina !!!!
kura flesh(machha ko flesh when you eat) ko gara , kanda ko hoina, kanda khayo bhane marincha.
kura ko kamal ko gara hilo ko hoina , timi hami fail huna daraunchau,Raman daraundaina, lau aba bhana timi ra hami gatilo ki RAman gatio.
club ma ma garchu bhanera jaun , raman le jastai full time dina sakauna ta! bhukna sakauna ta!ki kaso ho , jehos !!! Hillary lai lieara sagarmatha jane bellama nai ho Tenjing norge le name kamaeko.
Harek byakti ra harek bastu ma inspiration huncha , if you have positives eyes, doing youreslf good always brings good to others.
thula udhyog pati lai hera ,u sandhai benefit ko pachadi hidcha , tara social work ma pani gare jhai garcha , hami usaiko pachi nalagi dharai chaina,hami sanga bichar ,udhyog pati sanga pahuch. kina bhane thulo sakaratmak personell benefit grnele arulai pani benefit nai dincha,Afu gari khanele arulai pani garera khana sikaucha,tyas belama kahile charko kahile naram huncha tyo phnomena ho,. kati lina sakiyo ra kati dina sakiyo bhanera hernu parcha. Karna sakya lai hera , kina bhane , usko kam ra kura le matrai pani help garcha bhane , u kasari arkako lagi gardaina bhanne huh,jasle hajarau nepali lai employment dina success chhan !!!
hami ramro sathi ra samaj ko ramro nagarik hunuko artha bhaneko constructive critic dinu ho jasle sikawos , kehi pawos tara saki nasaki gareko kam prati abamulyan nahos. ki kaso ho??? tapaiko suggestion bhitra pura ka pura jealousy ko gandha aeko jasto lagca ya ta arrogant na ki sadahai success bhaeka hau, ya ta proudy that you know much better anylysis!!anyway, ma Raman ko khasai kohi pani hoina, tara usko jos, motivation , positive ambitious, initiative charector,situational leadership ra bhawana lai ramrari chindachu!ra ma byaki badi pani hoina, dhera thor last 14 years manchelai khusi parera hat mukh jodne manche bhaekole ali thorai bhaepani bujheko chhu ki raman sangai hinda jasto lagcha. ma kanjus gardina bhannalai.Jati risaunalai sakeko risaepani ,sakeko ramro kuraharu herne kosis garchhu ra ramra kuraharu herada nai ho naramro kahile kahi bhetine,macha khanda kanda bhete jastai.Ajasamma maile sujhab dine dherai bhete tara timi gara sathma ma chhu ni bhanne kam bhetko chhu,. malai lagcha , tapai tyo kittama parunu hunna.kina bhane conratulation pani didai hunnuncha.aru ka lagi ke garna pugena tyo bhannu bhae uslai sahayog pugthiyo hola tara fail hunchau word le ramro message didaina hai sathi !!
at the end,
Dherai jasto sangh sansthama kam garne euta ya duita matrai huncha.
sachikai kura garne ho bhane bhet bhaerai garuna kaso ho !!!sake diula, nasake ma liula hunna!!
Brain swarthi huna sakcha , lovi(greedy) huna sakcha ,irsyalu hunasakcha ,risauna sakcha,arrogant hunasakcha,nationality but full of hostiltity, love but regional or racial,big personilty but full of proudy hunsakcha tara
tapai hami sabaiko mutu testo hudaina , kina bhane mutu sabaiko ustai hunch jastai : kindness, helpful, peacfull , prospeperity,love,respect,appreciation , fun,etc nai huncha ni hau.
Ankha banda garera sodhunus mutulai!!!
tesaile Atma ustai ho ,
sincerely ,
Ek nepali keto jasle nodan sanga sikirahanthyo
Dhanay chha NODAN ka sabai sathihaurlai
jay nepal Ama
Good to see long comment that is trying to speak volume of things.. about Nodan but poor me.. I couldn't understand all the things that he/she is trying to speak. So kindly request the above commentator to do it once again in English or us Nepali Unicode to do comment in Nepali.
PLEASE. Be heard and Be seen. Let you Youth Voice reach many ..
Amazing !!!! story reflects so much inspiration to me !!
Keep it up hai !!
Jay Nodan and Nodanees
Alternative Nepal
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व्यक्तिगत व्यवसायका लागि ऋण चाहिन्छ? तपाईं आफ्नो इमेल संपर्क भने उपरोक्त तुरुन्तै आफ्नो ऋण स्थानान्तरण प्रक्रिया गर्न
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